Friday, January 27, 2012

Guidance Update

Kindergarten Guidance Update

We have been learning about strong feelings and learning how to calm down when we have them.  The strategies we have been practicing are:  1) putting your hand on your tummy and saying “calm down” to yourself, 2) belly breathing, and 3) counting. 

Self talk is a great way to manage strong emotions and the behaviors that goes along with those emotions. We have also been practicing belly breathing.  This is when you  breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. I have noticed students using this particular strategy!  The third strategy is to count.  They can either count out loud or in their heads.  We practice counting to 4.  At the end of each lesson we sing the “Calm Down” song as a way to remember the three strategies we have practiced. Ask your child to sing some of it for you!

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